So, you’re thinking of listing your Pullman home. Where do you start? Navigating the market by yourself is almost a crazy
thought, but how can you know who to trust? Everyone knows at least one Realtor, (often your mom's cousin or someone’s best friend) and believe me there are a bunch to choose from, but how do you know that you picked the best Realtor for the job? While this is my website, and I could make it a Chris Clark ad, I wanted to address some of the concerns I hear from people looking for their potential listing agent. Here are some practical things to look for when choosing a Realtor to sell your home.1. Find out what they DO for you! You know what you’re doing for your Realtor, but what do they do for you? What is their marketing strategy for selling your home? How do they advertise your home to stand out from the pack? What is their average on- market sales time? These are some great questions to ask potential suitors. The Realtor you choose should not only have a list of the things they will do, but also will have a plan for INFORMING you as the sale progresses. Transparency is almost "the name of the game" and the Realtor you choose should be honest, transparent, and have a plan for selling your home.
2. Don't be scared to ask around. Word travels fast in towns like Pullman; the top Realtors are not a mystery to anyone. My colleagues and I all have specific market segments we specialize in just like any other industry. Don't be afraid to ask your friends or family what they have heard about the local Realtors! It will likely sway your decision about who to list your home with.
3. GET A CMA. My office will happily generate you a Comparative Market Analysis form, and I'm sure others will do the same. It’s not a guaranteed "price check" (your home is unique and needs to be priced as such) but it gives you a really good starting point for listing your home. And it’s free! Everyone likes something that is free! When you start looking at listing your Pullman home, knowing the average value will put you on the right track for finding your Realtor.
4. Don't rush! Who sells and lists your home is one of the most important aspects to selling! Don't rush your decision! Gather
the facts, and once you have made your decision, trust your Realtor's timing. They know how the market moves and how your house will sell. Picking the right person should be a smart decision, not a hasty one!
These are just a few great tips for selling your Pullman home, but they can help you avoid any bad situations that could arise. If you are looking to work with the top listing agent in Pullman, come see me. I would love to show you what I do differently than everyone else. I really do believe in my motto "List it. Sell it. Get on with your life." Isn't it at least time to consider moving on?
One man's opinion.